
February 25, 2012

Michael Dobell @ NQ PRO Burnouts #3

Michael Dobell all the way from SA at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011 with a killer skid making it to
February 25, 2012

Colin Wolfe @ NQ PRO Burnouts #3

Colin killing tyres at the NQ PRO Burnouts #3 at the Cairns Speedway. www.CairnsBurnouts.com
February 25, 2012

Jason Earl @ NQ PRO Burnouts #3

Jason Earl in THE AXE at the NQ PRO Burnouts #3 taking home 2nd place and $2000 cash! www.cairnsburnouts.com
February 25, 2012

Phil Kerjean @ NQ PRO Burnouts #3

Phil Kerjean at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011 with a killer skid to take the #1 and $7000 cash first
February 25, 2012

Piercy @ NQ PRO Burnouts #3

Piercy smashing tyres at the NQ PRO Burnouts #3. www.CairnsBurnouts.com
November 27, 2011

Miller @ NQ PRO Burnouts 2011

Brenton Miller in his road registered supercharged 1UZ powered Centura at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011. Drove it there, drove
November 27, 2011

Michael Dobell @ NQ PRO Burnouts 2011

Michael smashing tyres at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011. www.CairnsBurnouts.com
November 27, 2011

Geoff @ NQ PRO Burnouts 2011

Geoff took out the “stand out” trophy with this skid at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011. Best show car that
November 27, 2011

CASPER @ NQ PRO Burnouts 2011

Jason Tanks in CASPER at the NQ PRO Burnouts 2011. www.CairnsBurnouts.com